It follows a girl, Willowdean, who is nicknamed Dumplin' by her mam. Willowdean is a fat girl but has always been comfortable in her own skin. She never worries about what people think and with her best friend Ellen with her all the time, her life is pretty good. Then, she takes a job in a local fast-food take away where she meets a boy named Bo. Will becomes attracted to him but when she finds out he likes her back, she's very surprised. As their relationship grows, Will finds that her confidence is dropping and in order to get it back she decided to enter the Miss Teen Blue Bonnet Pageant with several other girls that are like her.
This book was so inspiring. Willow was an amazing heroine to read about and her fearlessness was very powerful. Julie Murphy wrote her story so well and so true that is was impossible to get bored. It was such an addictive read and Will's character is one I won't forget for a long time. Some parts of it were very funny and I found myself laughing a lot at times. Will's relationship with Bo was quite complicated but this made it feel as if it was real. I found no flaws in this novel so I rate it a 5/5 stars.
I think this is a really important story line in novels and I hope you all give it a chance.